Giulio Gallazzi holds an MBA (Cum Magna Laude) from the SDA Bocconi Business School in Milan. As part of his MBA program, he joined Harvard Business School, where he completed his MBA thesis as a visiting scholar in the area of strategic turnaround and performance measurement.
Giulio began his working life in the United States, working as a senior consultant for a major American management consulting firm, before returning to Italy in 1994 to become Partner and CEO of the Italian management consulting firm, VV&A.
Today, at the helm of the SRI Group, he is an expert in international business development, market entry strategies, corporate finance, corporate restructuring and corporate governance.
During his career, he has held the position of independent non-executive director in various listed and unlisted industrial and financial companies. SRI Group is a leading private equity investor specializing in SMEs, with some strategic acquisitions made in the last 5 years. SRI Group in 2022 became one of the major shareholders of the Banca del Fucino Group.